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Paste the contents of your .gam or GNU text export file in below, then press "Play".
(NOTE - see bottom of page for details of the .gam and GNU formats supported by this page.)
(ANOTHER NOTE - This isn't a clever scam to nick your game scripts! Your game data won't be stored on the server or anywhere else - just sent back out to this page and forgotten.)
.gam (Jellyfish)
Paste the contents of your .gam file into the box below and press "Play!"

GNU Text-Export (single game only - not match)
Paste the contents of your GNU text-export file in below and press "Play!"

.GAM file details
Files must be single-game (i.e. not .mat match files). They must use a ) symbol after the line number.

Here's an example (don't worry if the characters don't line up like this in the text box above):
 Tom                            Jerry
  1)                             56: 24/18 18/13 
  2) 51: 24/23 23/18             16: 8/7* 13/7 
  3) 43: 25/21 24/21             65: 24/18 18/13 
  4) 43: 8/4 6/3                 52: 13/8 8/6 
  5) 36: 6/3 13/7                64: 13/7 7/3 
  6) 41: 8/4 8/7                  Doubles => 2
  7)  Takes                      61: 13/7 7/6 
  8) 56: 13/8 13/7               64: 13/7 6/2 
  9) 22: 8/6 7/5 7/5 6/4         13: 6/5 5/2 

GNU text-export file details
Create the file using GNU's export-game-text menu options (see screenshot below)

TIP - make sure the game has been analysed before saving. Move and cube analysis data will then appear on this page.

ANOTHER TIP - try typing some annotations in GNU before exporting. These will appear in the commentary section on this page. To split an annotation between pre-move and post-move comments, include [split] in the annotation text.

Here's an example (don't worry if the characters don't line up like this in the text box above):
The score (after 0 games) is: Tom 0, Jerry 0 (match to 7 points)
Match Information:

Date: March 11, 2005
Move number 1: O to play 63

    GNU Backgammon  Position ID: 4HPwATDgc/ABMA
                    Match ID   : MADvAAAAAAAA
    +-1--2--3--4--5--6-------7--8--9-10-11-12-+  O: Tom
    | X              O |   |    O           X |  0 points
    | X              O |   |    O           X |  Rolled 63
    |                O |   |    O           X |  
    |                O |   |                X |  
    |                O |   |                X |  
    |                  |BAR|                  |^ 7 point match (Cube: 1)
    |                X |   |                O |  
    |                X |   |                O |  
    |                X |   |    X           O |  
    | O              X |   |    X           O |  
    | O              X |   |    X           O |  0 points
    +24-23-22-21-20-19------18-17-16-15-14-13-+  X: Jerry
Pip counts: O 167, X 167

* Tom moves 24/21 8/2

You can produce .gam files from GNU Backgammon like this:

You can produce text files from GNU Backgammon like this:

This is the built-script which created the text at the top of the page:
XML support in BG Replay
XML is all the rage in the computer business, so I thought I'd better put XML support into BG Replay.
Press "generate XML from page" to see an XML version of the current page script. You can copy this to the clipboard then paste it into a text editor and save it as an .xml file. Then you can, er, do all the exciting things with it that you can do with XML files :-) (actually it might be useful to have backgammon games in a format that can be understood by any XML parser).
BG Replay can also read XML files in this format, with the standard .xml file name extension (e.g. "game1.xml")